Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Binary search Program in java With Explanation Using Different Ways

 Binary search Program in java

  • The function binarySearch takes an integer array arr and an integer x as input and returns the index of x in arr if it is present. If not, it returns -1.
  • The variables left and right are initialized to 0 and arr.length-1, respectively, to represent the lower and upper bounds of the search space.
  • In each iteration of the while loop, mid is calculated as the average of left and right.
  • If arr[mid] is equal to x, the function returns mid.
  • If arr[mid] is less than x, the search space is updated to the right of mid by setting left to mid + 1.
  • If arr[mid] is greater than x, the search space is updated to the left of mid by setting right to mid - 1.
  • The while loop continues until left is greater than right or x is found. If x is not found, the function returns -1.
  • In the main method, the array arr and the search value x are defined, and the result of the binarySearch function is stored in result.
  • If result is -1, the program outputs that the element is not present. Otherwise, it outputs the index at which the element was found.

Recursive Binary Search Algorithm in Java

 Java Stream Binary Search Algorithm



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